Glory LandOver in the Glory LandJesus took me by the hand. Over in the Glory Land. Over in the Glory Land see that happy angel band. Over in the Glory Land. Drifting thro’ life carelessly eyes so dimmed I couldn’t see walking to the Glory Land. Sinners there are rocks ahead devils racking in my head. Over in the Glory Land. I’m singin’ Over in the Glory Land Jesus took me by the hand. Over in the Glory Land. Over in the Glory Land see that happy angel band. Over in the Glory Land. Troubles I’ve got all my own, meantime gonna find a home over in the Glory Land. Sinners there are rocks ahead, devils racking in my head. Over in the Glory Land. Over in the Glory Land Jesus took me by the hand. Over in the Glory Land. Over in the Glory Land see that happy angel band. Over in the Glory Land. Lyrics from
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